Anti Chafing Tights

Anti Chafing Tights

How To Avoid Paying for Expensive Anti Chafing Tights Summer can be a nightmare for ladies whose thighs chafe, even more so if they have to wear tights as the nylon can act as an accelerant to  the sweating and ultimately the chafing. If you have this problem you are...
Stop Chafing Underwear

Stop Chafing Underwear

Underwear That Prevents Thigh Chafing Ouch! The rubbing together of your thighs, throw in a  bit of sweat, heat and movement and WHAM! you have sore chafed thighs. The question is, how do you stop it? There are creams, ointments, sprays and blocks on the market that...

Anti Chafing Underwear

Best Anti-Chafing Underwear Chafing is no fun what-so-ever and can be very painful. In severe casing it can lead to broken and bleeding skin, which can take a number of weeks to completely heal. Chafing occurs when there is a repeated rubbing action against either...